European Countries Recognize Guaidó as Venezuela’s Leader, Joining U.S.
2019-02-05 10:35:02 source:The New York Times
February 4, 2019
Seven European Union countries on Monday recognized Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, turning decisively against President Nicolás Maduro after he refused their demand to schedule a new presidential election.
The countries — Austria, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden — joined the United States, Canada, Australia and much of Latin America in withdrawing recognition of Mr. Maduro’s government and acknowledging Mr. Guaidó, the opposition leader, as the interim president pending elections.
Mr. Maduro easily won re-election last year, despite the collapsing economy, endemic corruption and repression in Venezuela, in a vote that his opponents and international observers said was heavily rigged.
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