After Trump intervenes in war crimes case, 3 more Navy SEALs escape accountability
2019-11-28 08:58:35 source:CBS News
November 27, 2019
The U.S. Navy cancelled review boards for three SEAL officers involved in the Edward Gallagher case, meaning they will be allowed to keep their Trident pins, which denote their elite status as a SEAL.
All three officers — Lieutenant Commander Robert Breisch, Lieutenant Jacob Portier and Lieutenant Thomas MacNeil — were directly above Gallagher in the chain of command. They were ordered to appear before review boards that could have stripped them of their Tridents for not having reported Gallagher's actions during the battle for Mosul in Iraq.
Gallagher faced nearly a dozen charges for allegedly opening fire on civilians during a deployment to Iraq, murdering a captured ISIS fighter and threatening fellow SEALs who wanted to report his actions. In July, he was acquitted of the most serious charges but convicted of posing for a photo with a corpse of the ISIS fighter.
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