More members of Angela Merkel's party found to have 'prepper' links
2019-12-19 09:07:11 source:The Guardian
December 18, 2019
Pressure is mounting on the leadership of Angela Merkel’s conservative party to fortify its “firewall against the far right”, as more members of the Christian Democratic Union were revealed to be members of a shadowy military network with links to “prepper” or survivalist circles.
Last week a member of the CDU’s executive committee in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Robert Möritz, confirmed that he was a member of Uniter, a private support network for active and former soldiers and security personnel.
In the wake of the assassination of the pro-refugee politician Walter Lübcke and a white supremacist’s planned terror attack on a synagogue in Halle, security circles have raised alarm about rightwing extremist attempts to infiltrate the military and police.
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