Why Beijing will never yield on the South China Sea
2020-07-21 22:12:34 source:Australian Financial Review
July 17, 2020
It is a barely habitable expanse of water dotted with a smattering of islands, atolls and reefs. But this disputed territory in the South China Sea looks set to become the new flashpoint for increasingly hostile US-China tensions and the stage for potential military conflict in a region not far from Australia.
Following a long list of anti-China salvos over the past month, the Trump administration this week bowled up another challenge, when it declared China's maritime claims in the South China Sea to be illegal.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Beijing of "bullying" its regional neighbours and said it would use "all tools" to stop China's advancement in the region. It considers, for example, a Chinese military base on Mischief Reef illegal because that site and other reefs are naturally underwater.
Even during a period when inflammatory exchanges between the powers hardly make headlines any more, the US declaration sent shockwaves through the foreign affairs community. For years, the United States has stayed neutral on China's claims, even after an international tribunal found against China in favour of the Philippines in 2016.
That ruling technically undermined China's claim to resources within the sea located within its controversial nine-dash line – an ambiguous territorial market it has been using for the past 70 years to claim the bulk of the South China Sea. China never accepted the court's jurisdiction and Washington stayed on the sidelines. Until now.
China's initial reaction to Pompeo's challenge was relatively restrained. A Foreign Ministry spokesman accused Washington of undermining "regional peace and stability" and reiterated China's historic claims on the region, which it says go back thousands of years.
But beneath the surface, a possible confrontation in the South China Sea is troubling governments in Australia and the United Kingdom, along with the five south-east Asian countries that have locked swords with Beijing in the resource-rich region – Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei. The US has no territorial claims.
For President Xi Jinping, backing down is not an option. Experts in China say nationalistic sentiment among China's 1.4 billion citizens towards the region is greater than for China's other territorial claims on Hong Kong and Taiwan.
"The South China Sea is a very important issue for China. The Chinese government dares not make concessions on this issue," says Wu Shicun, the president of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, a government think tank based on Hainan Island. "China will not back down. If provoked, China will not go quietly. China has the strength to take countermeasures. These countermeasures would create military friction, which is not what the international community wants to see."
China's claims on the region have generally gone unchecked for the past decade. Beijing has built huge artificial islands with airstrips and naval bases to act as the first line of defence in the region and strengthen its limited maritime defence capabilities.
The sea is also home to important shipping lanes and the conceptual Maritime Silk Road, which Beijing is determined to control and there are immensely valuable oil and fisheries resources in the region.
Wu says China's claims on the territory go back thousands of years when fishermen set sail to claim islands at the height of the country's imperial power. When Japan's World War II occupation of the Paracels and Spratley Island groups came to an end, they were returned to China's Kuomintang-led government in 1945.
Dangerous Signal
The "nine-dash" line is based on a map drawn up by the Kuomintang in 1947 before it lost a civil war to China's Communist Party and retreated to the island of Taiwan. The KMT connection to the islands further complicates the sensitivities of the Communist Party's claims on the region.
"This [declaration by Pompeo] is a dangerous signal from the United States. They are trying to stir up new troubles and create a new battlefield," says Zhu Feng, dean of the school of international relations at Nanjing University.
"Pompeo is using the South China Sea to sow discord between China and ASEAN countries and to win over more US allies. To make sure the development of the South China Sea is in the direction the US wants. US military strength in the South China Sea will increase US influence in the region."
It is unclear what happens next but analysts in China and the West believe the chances of military conflict have risen a notch. Pompeo's move follows months of provocative moves in the region by China and the United States, fitting into a pattern of open hostility between the two powers on issues ranging from the origins of the coronavirus to Hong Kong's security laws and the treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.
It also follows a build-up of Chinese military operations in the region and claims that it is harassing its Asian neighbours. In early April, a Chinese Coast Guard vessel reportedly sank a Vietnamese fishing vessel near the Paracel Islands, which both China and Vietnam claim.
There was also a standoff with a Malaysian oil exploration vessel and a Chinese vessel. The Malaysian government said this week Chinese coastguard and navy ships intruded into Malaysian waters in the disputed South China Sea 89 times between 2016 and 2019. Last month, the US sent two aircraft carriers into the region. Australia and Japan have joined the US naval exercises in the hot spot in the past few months.
Analysts say the US declaration opens the door for Washington to support the Philippines, Vietnam or Malaysia militarily if there are confrontations in the region. It could also mean more naval exercises by the US and its allies, including Australia, to send a warning to Beijing to back off. Pompeo did not specify what kind of military aid the US might support.
Analysts say the stronger diplomatic language will encourage south-east Asian nations to act more forcefully the next time there is a confrontation with a Chinese vessel, Xi this week made telephone calls to the prime ministers of Thailand and Singapore, two countries that do not have claims in the South China Sea, to shore up their support.
"The next time a China Coast Guard ship plays chicken with an oil rig off Vietnam, or a flotilla of Chinese fishing boats appears in Indonesian waters, the United States will likely speak up more forcefully to decry the illegal action. And that will have a proportionately greater effect on China’s international reputation," says Greg Poling, a South China Sea analyst from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
Poling and other academics say the US position on the South China Sea, like many of its current disputes with China, predates the coronavirus. The difference now is that the old diplomatic niceties have gone out the window.
"The pandemic has accelerated US-China differences and added more heat into an already difficult relationship but America’s falling out with China has been long in the making. It predates Trump," Richard Maude, a senior fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute told a United States Studies Centre webinar this week.