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‘Anonymous’ urges a vote for Biden

2020-08-18 09:20:16       source:Politico

August 17, 2020

“Anonymous” is trolling President Donald Trump one more time.

The self-described “senior Trump administration official,” who anonymously trashed the president’s leadership in a 2018 op-ed and a 2019 best-selling book, is calling for voters to throw the president out of office this November in a new preface for the paperback “2020 election edition” of the book, “A Warning.”

A second term for Trump “unbound will mean a nation undone,” the author writes in the new preface, which was obtained by POLITICO ahead of its release on Tuesday. It will result in “a continued downward slide into social acrimony, with the United States fading into the background of a world stage it once commanded, to say nothing of the damage to our democratic institutions.”

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