Current US political atmosphere bolsters China-bashing experts
2020-10-25 08:50:07 source:Global Times
October 24, 2020
US Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger delivered a speech, titled "The Importance of Being Candid," in Putonghua on Friday in a video conference hosted by London-based think tank Policy Exchange, in which he lashed out at China's system.
Pottinger used Putonghua to deliver his speech. This was out of the aim to tell audiences that he knows China well and emphasize on his authority on China-related topics. The majority of people in Western society don't speak Chinese, and would be more inclined to believe Pottinger is an authority after his long speech in relatively fluent Putonghua and thus believe in his judgments on China. Besides, Pottinger's speech in Putonghua also targets overseas Chinese, trying to fan the flames among them to instigate their dislike of China - so as to realize the White House's political goal of creating division.
There are less than two weeks to go before the Election Day. Pottinger's move shows that the Trump administration still prefers to make a fuss about China. On the one hand, the White House continues to call for a tough stance against China among its allies. On the other hand, the move is part of the campaign to use China as scapegoat for the policy failures since US President Donald Trump took office.
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