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Netizens confused as phone maker Xiaomi's addition as a Chinese military company by US defense department, one more 'final frenzy'

2021-01-16 05:13:32       source:Global Times

January 15, 2021

The US Department of Defense (DOD) on Thursday classified Xiaomi and eight other Chinese companies as "Communist Chinese military companies" after the initial release in June 2020.

On Thursday, the US Department of Commerce also added Chinese company Skyrizon to its Military End-User (MEU) List and identified China as a "foreign adversary" in its ICT supply chain.

Some analysts believe these orders could be seen as the "final frenzy" of the Trump administration. "If you want to condemn somebody, don't worry about the pretext" should be the best explanation when blacklisting Chinese companies for "military-related" reasons, an analyst said.

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