(opinion) Bandung spirit sets Japan on right track
2015-04-28 09:10:45 source:Global Times
April 27, 2015
"If the handshake between Chinese President Xi Jinping
and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last year in Beijing during the
APEC summit could be considered an icebreaking move, which ended the
long frosty period in the Sino-Japanese relationship since Japan's
"nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, the encounter of the two
leaders in Jakarta on April 22 marks a true thaw.
The first Asian-African Summit in Bandung marked the first official contact between China and Japan after WWII. At that time, then Japanese prime minister Ichiro Hatoyama sent Takasaki Tatsunosuke as head of the Japanese delegation to the conference. Tatsunosuke, who had broken through all kinds of resistance from conservatives both at home and from the US, met with then Chinese premier Zhou Enlai."
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