Biden admin suppresses China amid its claimed 'fiercely competitive' relations; shrinking economic gap unnerves Washington
2021-02-25 09:22:44 source:Global Times
Febuary 24, 2021
The recent moves by the Joe Biden administration to curb China's economic and tech rise mirrors a "mentality collapse" among US political elites, who - having identified relations with China as one of "fierce competition" - are now sparing no efforts in the "final China push" to consolidate its edge as an early starter in the world economy.
The US still enjoys an advantage over China in chips, new materials, software and operating systems, yet China has managed to bridge the gap or even surpass the US in 5G, new energy, aerospace, and even niche industries such as drones in the past decades. Such a drastically narrowing gap between the world's two largest economies has further unnerved Washington, with "China threat" rhetoric resurfacing, taking a shot at the economic sphere.
Facing a potentially white-hot rivalry, China is prepared - and has the ability too - to tackle a rules-based benign competition, observers said. But they also warned Washington to drop its inherent Western prejudice on Beijing, avoiding a vicious life-or-death struggle that could turn the world into a battleground.
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