Cuba denounces US ‘subversion’
2021-07-14 09:42:30 source:Global Times
July 13, 2021
The Cuban Embassy in China on Tuesday denounced the US' unconventional war scheme against Cuba which attempted to provoke the long-awaited "regime change," following the unprecedented protest on Sunday, saying that Cuban people's response was "Homeland or Death, We will win."
According to a statement the embassy sent to the Global Times on Tuesday, the weekend's subversive actions were encouraged and manipulated in the social networks controlled from the US, under the label "SOS Cuba," and the "Florida state government has granted funds to the company that created the label, which is based in Miami."
Political operators of the US government and Twitter used the labels, robot collectives, trolls, which are users coordinated by automated means, in this operation against Cuba, the embassy said.
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