US trying to turn COP26 into a political show, experts warn
2021-11-04 09:39:17 source:Global Times
November 3, 2021
US President Joe Biden, who showed up at COP26 empty-handed, has tried to turn the summit into a "political show" by repeatedly name-checking Chinese and Russian leaders, so he is the real culprit in ceding the effect of negotiations, analysts said, in response to Biden's repeated criticism of the Chinese leader's absence at the summit.
In addressing climate change, what we need are firm commitments and continued action. What we don't need are empty slogans, ever-changing policies, luxury motorcades and entourage, irresponsibly exposing numerous people to infection, Zhang Jun, the permanent representative of China to the UN, tweeted on Wednesday.
Zhang's remarks were made after Biden, speaking at the end of the second day of COP26 in Glasgow, lashed out at both Chinese and Russian leaders for their absence at the climate summit.
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