Latest News
- 2016.11.19 (Opinion) Trump meets Abe, but fails Japan
- 2016.11.19 Two-thirds of S. Koreans oppose military pact with Japan on lack of repentance: poll
- 2016.11.18 China-Ecuador to forge closer ties, says Xi
- 2016.11.18 Vietnam cools on TPP, favors independent foreign policy
- 2016.11.18 China, Laos eye more cooperation in anti-terrorism and drug control
- 2016.11.18 China mulls economic cooperation zone in Philippines
- 2016.11.17 China urges U.S. to stay inside Paris Agreement on climate change
- 2016.11.17 (Opinion) Trump and the South China Sea
- 2016.11.17 (Opinion) China playing key role in building institutions of ‘global governance 3.0’
- 2016.11.17 Italy trustworthy friend, important partner: Xi
- 2016.11.16 (Opinion) Trump reveals racism hidden beneath surface
- 2016.11.16 (Opinion) Trump’s embrace of Russia faces limits
- 2016.11.16 (Opinion) Sino-US relations in the Trump era
- 2016.11.16 Spotlight: S.Korea to sign military pact with Japan amid absence of coalition cabinet
- 2016.11.15 (Opinion) Trump’s Asia Policy: What Might We Expect and Not Expect?
- 2016.11.15 (Opinion) Both the US and China deserve better than TPP
- 2016.11.15 Xi, Trump discuss China-U.S. ties over phone
- 2016.11.15 (Opinion) Transatlantic ties in limbo after Trump win
- 2016.11.14 Trump change ‘points to calmer waters’ on South China Sea horizon
- 2016.11.14 (Opinion) Trump’s Unlikely Rise Hints at Shift in US Policy on North Korea