Latest News
- 2015.07.30 Chinese Embassy Rebuts NY Times Editorial on China-Philippines Dispute
- 2015.07.29 State Councilor Meets First Minister of Scotland
- 2015.07.29 (Blog) Barack Obama's Big South China Sea Mistake
- 2015.07.29 (Opinion) China Needs Coordinative Public Diplomacy
- 2015.07.29 ASEAN, China to Discuss South China Sea Issue
- 2015.07.28 China, Malta Pledge to Enhance Ties
- 2015.07.28 Manila's South China Sea Arbitration Request Reneges on Previous Promises
- 2015.07.28 (Opinion) Abe is Leading Japan Further away from Peace
- 2015.07.28 (Analysis) Indonesia and the South China Sea: a Two-fold Strategy
- 2015.07.27 Spotlight: "Belt and Road" initiatives energize China's neighborhood diplomacy
- 2015.07.27 Spotlight: Commemorating Potsdam Proclamation is of great realistic significance
- 2015.07.27 Indonesia's top official speaks highly of China-Indonesia ties
- 2015.07.26 Mitsubishi apology hopes rise
- 2015.07.26 China's top political advisor visits Thailand, further cooperation highlighted
- 2015.07.26 Don't excessively interpret South China Sea drill: China navy
- 2015.07.25 China Opposes Russell's Comment on South China Sea Arbitration
- 2015.07.25 China Strongly Protests Japan Allowing Lee Teng-hui's Entry
- 2015.07.25 China 'Must Balance Friendly Ties and Its Interests'
- 2015.07.24 (Opinion) Delaying Bilateral Negotiations Leaves Manila More Disadvantaged
- 2015.07.24 (Opinion) Japan and China Square off Over Disputed East China Sea Territory