Latest News
- 2015.06.03 (Opinion) Chinese Suspicious of US Criticism of South China Sea Dispute
- 2015.06.03 Filipino Leader to Discuss Sea Dispute with Japan
- 2015.06.03 French FM Sees Long Battle Against IS In Iraq
- 2015.06.02 Ship Carrying 458 People Sinks in Yangtze River
- 2015.06.02 (Opinion) China Is Not the Only Country Reclaiming Land in South China Sea
- 2015.06.02 Vietnam, U.S. Discuss Land Reclamation in South China Sea
- 2015.06.02 Live-fire Drills to Start Near Border with Myanmar
- 2015.06.01 China Committed to Upholding Peace, Stability in South China Sea
- 2015.06.01 Experts Believe Shangri-La Dialogue Major Platform for Cooperation in Asia-Pacific
- 2015.06.01 (Blog) China and America's South China Sea Clash: What Do U.S. Allies Think?
- 2015.06.01 No Oil Hunt in South China Sea Without Nod: Beijing to Delhi
- 2015.05.31 (Opinion) Maintaining Peace and Tranquility in the South China Sea
- 2015.05.31 China Opposes Carter's Comments on Construction in South China Sea
- 2015.05.31 IS Militants Blow Up Military Prison in Syria's Palmyra: Monitor
- 2015.05.30 (Opinion) Responsible Regional Role
- 2015.05.30 Iran Not to Discuss Inspecting Military Sites in Nuclear Talks: Negotiator
- 2015.05.30 Japan, EU Agree to Step Up Defense, Economic Ties, Show Concern About South China Sea Tension
- 2015.05.29 2 Car Bombs Kill 10 People in Two Baghdad Hotels
- 2015.05.29 (Opinion) Protecting Freedom of Navigation in the South China Sea
- 2015.05.29 South China Sea Dispute: All Eyes on Singapore Forum for US, China Talk