The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia and Europe Edited by Shicun Wu, Keyuan Zou and Qiang Ye, This book explores the opportunities and challenges that both Europe and Asia face under the framework of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative.
Book Launch: Japan Military Power Report (2018) On 17 December 2018, the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS) launched the Japan Military Power Report (2018) in Haikou.
Report on the Military Presence of the United States of America in the Asia-Pacific Region (2016) This is the first specialized report by a specialized Chinese think-tank to make a comprehensive and systematic introduction and analysis of the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Th
Arbitration Concerning the South China Sea: Philippines versus China By Shicun Wu, Keyuan ZouAbout the BookOn 22 January 2013, the Republic of the Philippines instituted arbitral proceedings against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the United Nations Conve
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea Edited by Shicun Wu, Mark Valencia and Nong Hong Research on The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is a valuable addition to understanding the political situation in the potent
Recent Developments in the South China Sea Dispute: the Prospect of a Joint Development Regime RecentDevelopmentsintheSouthChinaSeaDispute:theProspectofaJointDevelopmentRegimeTheSouthChinaSearegioncontainspotentiallyhugedepositsofpetroleumandnaturalgas,importantshippinglanesandfishingareas,andi
Non-Traditional Security Issues and the South China Sea: Shaping a New Framework for Cooperation Non-TraditionalSecurityIssuesandtheSouthChinaSea:ShapingaNewFrameworkforCooperationWhilethereisabundantliteraturediscussingnon-traditionalsecurityissues,thereislittlementionofsuchissuesexistingintheSo
Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia: Legal and political dimensions Edited by Shicun Wu, National Institute for South China Sea Studies, China and Keyuan Zou, University of Central Lancashire, UKChandos Asian Studies Series No. 58- places a special focus on East Asia-
Solving Disputes for Regional Cooperation and Development in the South China Sea: A Chinese perspective Shicun Wu, National Institute for the South China Sea Studies, ChinaChandos Asian Studies Series No. 49- highly pertinent in the context of the growing attention paid to potential international confli