Latest News
- 2015.08.26 China, Kazakhstan Reach Six-point Consensus on Advancing Cooperation
- 2015.08.26 Mainland, Taiwan to Sign Aviation, Tax Agreements
- 2015.08.26 Japan Refuses to Take Part in China's 'Victory Day' Event to Mark end of War
- 2015.08.26 (Commentary) 30 Heads of State Will Watch China's Military Parade Next Week
- 2015.08.25 (Opinion) 'Double Standards' Criticized
- 2015.08.25 Beijing Reiterates its Opposition to South China Sea Arbitration
- 2015.08.25 (Opinion) Taiwan and the South China Sea: More Steps in the Right Direction
- 2015.08.25 China to Hold 3 Months of Live-fire Naval Drills
- 2015.08.24 'Sensitive' Arms Exhibited in Parade Rehearsal
- 2015.08.24 (Opinion) Japan's Soul-searching Over its Wartime Crimes Lags Far Behind Germany's
- 2015.08.24 Fisherman Nets a Spy Device in S China Sea
- 2015.08.24 Russia, China Kick off Active Phase of Sea of Japan Naval Drills
- 2015.08.23 (Opinion) Escalating conflict would hurt Koreas
- 2015.08.23 ROK, DPRK to resume high-level contact Sunday afternoon
- 2015.08.23 Chinese President pledges fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Winter Games
- 2015.08.22 China demands Japan face history after Abe's wife visits Yasukuni Shrine
- 2015.08.22 (Opinion) President Park’s China trip a logical choice
- 2015.08.22 S.Korea warns DPRK of harsh price for any further provocations
- 2015.08.22 China calls for restraint as tensions rise on Korean Peninsula
- 2015.08.21 U.S. Should not Overreact to China's Increasing Global Role: Expert