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- 2016.07.13 (Opinion) China Struggles with South China Sea Priorities: Sovereignty, Neighbors & Ties with the U.S.
- 2016.07.13 US Pulled the Strings behind the Philippines
- 2016.07.12 (Opinion) China urged to fend off other claimants after arbitration
- 2016.07.12 Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests in the South China Sea
- 2016.07.12 Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Established at the Request of the Republic of the Philippines
- 2016.07.12 (Opinion) Tribunal Has Handled Arbitration Case Irresponsibly, Law Experts Say
- 2016.07.12 More US Marines to be Deployed to South China Sea
- 2016.07.12 (Opinion) The Shift of Two Big Circulations in Global Finance and Trade
- 2016.07.12 UN Chief Slams Killing of Two UN Chinese Peacekeepers in South Sudan Fighting
- 2016.07.11 Fifth Lighthouse to Shine on S. China Sea
- 2016.07.11 (Commentary) China Will Not Negotiate with Philippines Based on Arbitration Ruling
- 2016.07.11 China Rejects U.S. Plea on South China Sea Case, Vows to Maintain Stance on Dispute
- 2016.07.11 S.Korea Denounces DPRK's SLBM Test-launch as Violation of UN Resolutions
- 2016.07.11 (Opinion) Arbitration Ruling and Philippines-China Relations Under the Duterte Administration
- 2016.07.10 South China Sea Arbitration to Set "Serious, Wrong And Bad Example"
- 2016.07.10 (Opinion) China can Counter THAAD Deployment
- 2016.07.10 China Holds Naval Combat Drill in South China Sea Near Hainan, Paracels
- 2016.07.09 Chinese Premier Meets UN Chief
- 2016.07.09 (Opinion) Denouncing UNCLOS Remains Option for China after Tribunal Ruling
- 2016.07.09 Philippines 'Does Not Have Its Facts Right' on South China Sea