Latest News
- 2016.07.08 (Opinion) The South China Sea Won't Stop China-ASEAN Economic Ties
- 2016.07.08 China Says Arbitral Court's Ruling Has No Effect on Its Maritime Rights
- 2016.07.08 UN Chief: Settle Differences Peacefully
- 2016.07.08 (Opinion) Sea Provocation by Philippines, US will Meet Firm Countermeasure
- 2016.07.07 China, Britain Vow to Make G20 Hangzhou Summit A Success
- 2016.07.07 China 'Better Prepared' for Pacific Drill
- 2016.07.07 (Analysis) Six-Party Talks 2.0: Not for Denuclearisation but for Peace
- 2016.07.07 Singapore's Foreign Policy Takes A Principled, Non-aligned Approach: Chan Chun Sing
- 2016.07.06 (Commentary) U.S. Needs to Readjust Attitude Regarding South China Sea Issue
- 2016.07.06 (Opinion) South China Sea Arbitration Shrouded in Legal Fog
- 2016.07.06 Philippines Must Forgo Provocations
- 2016.07.06 China Offers Philippines Talks if South China Sea Court Ignored
- 2016.07.05 (Opinion) Power game decides post-arbitration order
- 2016.07.05 Interview: China can lead at G20 Hangzhou summit: U.S. expert
- 2016.07.05 Arbitration case cannot deplete China's historical rights
- 2016.07.04 Philippine Position on South China Sea Self-contradictory: Vice Speaker of Czech Parliament
- 2016.07.04 Vietnamese Homemade Mini-submarine on 1st Sea Trial
- 2016.07.04 China to Hold Drills Near Xisha Islands
- 2016.07.04 (Opinion) Arbitration Ruling will Harm World Order
- 2016.07.03 Expectation of Resumption of Sound Development of China-Philippines Relations